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Saracen Bay

STOP EVERYTHING! We’ve found the most beautiful beach in Cambodia! Okay maybe we haven’t seen every beach in Cambodia yet, but Saracen Bay in Koh Rong Sanloem is definitely one of our favorites. From the moment our boat pulled into the harbor we knew we were in heaven. Join us as we tell you all about this beautiful island, and what you’ll find as you pull into Saracen Bay beach. 

Walking down the long jetty it’s hard not to notice the group of locals covered from head to toe and holding signs for different hotels. Almost every decent hotel on the strip offers private boat service so make sure to email them before your arrival for a pick up!

The beach walk is fine for us, but the boat transfer is helpful for many people who decide to drag large rolling suitcases down the sand. On a side note, if you’re coming to the Cambodian islands try to travel with a backpack! Immediately, you’ll want to ditch your things and join the few dozen others who are soaking in the sun.

The sand will melt between your toes and the water is clear and refreshing. Due to the shallow sandbar you’ll have to walk out to where the water changes from light to deep blue to get past your knees. Join the others travelers by laying down in the clearest of blue waters and soak in paradise.

Almost every morning we dragged ourselves out of our bungalow at 6:15am, and headed down to the beach for sunrise. Saracen faces the east, and the sun rises over the far peak of the moon shaped bay. No matter how tired you are make sure to watch at least one sunrise on the island. The early morning hour is quite a surreal experience in Saracen Bay Cambodia!

Don’t forget about the sunset! Just know you’ll have to make the 25-30 minute hike to the other side of the island for that. Both Lazy Beach and the rightfully named Sunset Beach are great places to do that. Honestly, they’re all so stunning. They even might have you doubting what’s the best beach in Cambodia!

Lazy Beach: 

At the time of writing this they had recently built a large path to walk from Saracen Bay to Lazy Beach. If you stay for sunset make sure to have a light source for the walk back in the dense jungle. Either way, you should be walking with dozens of others who made the trip.

Lazy Beach on Koh Rong Sanloem

Sunset Beach: 

Right now there is only a thin jungle path to get to Sunset beach that includes climbing over boulders and using ropes to get down the mountainside. If you want to watch the sunset we don’t recommend walking back in the dark. However, you should consider spending a night at either the Sleeping Trees or Robinson Bungalow hotels.

There are two massively different tides on Saracen Bay beach. At high tide the water line comes right up to where the bars and restaurants set up their chairs. While at low tide you’ll have to walk far out before getting more than a few inches deep in the water.

The best thing you can do is to give into the lazy beach days. Wondering how we passed the time? Here’s your Saracen Bay beach guide!

  • Wake up for Sunrise
  • Have an epic breakfast Overlooking the Water
  • Soak in the Sun
  • Cool down in the Ocean
  • Take a Long Beach Walk
  • Find an Overwater Hammock and Relax
  • Grab an Ice Cold Beverage
  • Repeat!

After being in Asia for 6 months and traveling non-stop, Saracen Bay in Cambodia gave us the rest and relaxation we desperately needed! Hopefully you’ll find it as peaceful and beautiful as we did.

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